Why Effective Practices in Schools Aren't Sustained

Four important reasons suggest why effective practices, programs, and curricular accommodations have not been adopted or sustained in general school settings:

  1. Interventions including curricular programs or specific strategies tailored to address a particular problem (academic or behavioral) are too often implemented before an assessment is conducted of the contextual fit between the intervention and the "host environment" (e.g., school, classroom).
  2. An intervention is frequently adopted before a formative and continuous feedback loop is established at the "school-building level" that provides priority information on the effectiveness of an intervention in a timely manner.
  3. A new intervention is invariably adopted for the short term and not the long haul. This newly adopted intervention is not embraced and conceptualized as the "primary" program of prevention and intervention from the very outset, and it is not adopted with specific contexts and host environments in mind.
  4. We fail to appreciate that for most children, reading proficiently and imaginitively does not come easily. Instead, it requires intervention and support that is caring, intentional, well designed, systematic, and sensitive to a child's growth and development.

GOAL: All children reading by the end of third grade.

The Scope of Reading in the U.S.

Demographics and Societal Trends

The Persistence of Reading Difficulties

The Difficulty of Sustaining Effective Practices

Teaching Reading is the Integration of Two Complex Systems

Schoolwide Reading Model Logo
Schoolwide Beginning Reading Model