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Student Benchmarks

First Grade

Students should be able to demonstrate the following skills at the end of the school year:

Reading Connected Text Fluently and With Expression

Video Clip Examples

Video Clip Play Button First Sound Identification
This video clip shows an example of a student with emerging oral reading skills. The student is shown while being assessed on the DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency measure. The student reads slowly and haltingly, pausing at unfamiliar words. The student will need more practice to become a fluent reader.

Video Clip Play Button First Sound Identification
This video clip shows an example of a first-grade student with established oral reading skills. The student is shown while being assessed on the DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency measure. The student reads the passage fluently and confidently, demonstrating proficiency with oral reading.

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Second Grade

Reading Connected Text Fluently and With Expression: